Nothing to Report Here

Cold, Grey, and Snowy parking lot.

Beautiful early April spring morning in Minnesota.

One of the primary messages in the writing class I signed up for is to write often. A lot. Write even more than you might think you should.

This is hard for me on some levels. It’s kind of a chicken and egg thing. I want to write a lot. I often have half-formed ideas of things to share. I’ve been getting little flashes of inspiration from time to time. Usually this happens when I have no easy way to take notes on the inspiration. I should try to remedy this by always having a way to take notes. When I actually have time and means to try writing, nothing. The inspirations I had before are no more. I feel like if I write more I’ll have more to write about. The problem is that I have trouble writing when I have nothing to write about. It’s a feedback loop really.

What I need to do is use this space to write, even when I don’t feel as if what I have to share is worthwhile. The problem with this is that some of what I have to write is interesting and/or useful to some people. I fear those posts would get lost in the noise. Seriously, imagine it takes a year to get to where I write mostly useful/interesting stuff. How many people would stick around that long? The months of noise would cause people to tune out, and when the proverbial music appeared later it would go unheard.

Maybe I’ll have a standard opening line letting people know that a given post didn’t really feel like it was worth sharing. When the line is there people would know that I really don’t care if anyone reads the post. When the line is missing it’s a post I feel might be interesting or valuable to others in some way.