TWB Ep6 – Home, Home At Last

Monday Cecilia picked Jake and the Neverland Pirates after an evening of rained out T-Ball and walking around the neighborhood instead.
Cecilia just wanted to listen to Gideon’s stories today. They started with Mom reading “And To Think That I Saw It On Mulberry Street.” After that Gideon wanted Dad to read 500 hats.

Tuesday Gideon went to Feed My Starving Children with Mom and Dad while Cecilia got to play with Grandma and Grandpa at home.This made for a long night. In fact,, Gideon wanted to go home and go to bed right as we started at FMSC. We were able to get him to stay and he woke up some. Enough that when we got home he picked watching Jake and the Neverland Pirates over getting stories.

Wednesday Gideon fell asleep on the couch after school before dinner. It took some serious effort, but we got him woken up. He decided to go to bed early instead of going to T-Ball. He watched Jake and the Neverland Pirates while Cecilia took a bath. Cecilia got to watch “” after her bath.
Cecilia picked There’s No Place Like Space for Mom and Dad read her Giraffe’s Can’t Dance. (With a little break for an accidental head bump when she fell off Dad.)
Gideon started with 500 Hats from Dad, but a couple pages in changed his mind. Instead of reading most of it we changed to The Sailor Dog. Mom read him two stories from his new Bible.

Thursday was Mom’s softball day. Since we got back so late and they had been told they would get a show we offered a choice between a show and story. Of course they picked a show and Cecilia wanted Jake and the Neverland Pirates.

Friday was an evening of fun with the Huisinga’s. They watched Rio on the way to Elk River and back. Getting back wasn’t until around 9 so it was straight to bed. Except Cecilia. After almost 20 straight minutes of hysterics that could not be calmed (I want Mommy!) Dad brought her to Mom and Dads room for an episode of Doc McStuffins. That calmed her down, but she was still awake when Mom came home at 10:15 and checked on her!

Saturday after a little bit of family time watching America’s Got Talent Gideon picked Bob the Builder. That meant Amazon Prime and trying to find one that was 45 minutes instead of 60.
Cecilia had to stories from her new Bible, one each from Dad then Mom.
Gideon also had to stories from his new Bible, one each from Mom then Dad.

Sunday Cecilia picked Jake and the Neverland Pirates as she tried hard to stay awake.Both kids wanted stories from the Richard Scarry story book tonight. Cecilia also had Mom read something else, but I’m not sure what as I forgot to ask.