Finally Under 20

It feels like defeat. The number has passed 200. I knew it was coming.

I should probably back up a little here. This summer we took a vacation. I had every intention of spending time on that vacation reading and writing. Specifically I was planning to spend time reading and writing about Agile in various ways. The details aren’t all that important because it didn’t happen. The details of why it didn’t happen are also fairly unimportant. It’s really the aftermath I’m looking at.

The aftermath of over 200 unread posts showing on my news reader. The aftermath of two weeks worth of unread emails from LinkedIn groups, up to 5 a day in some cases. The unread stream on Twitter and Facebook.

The numbers weren’t that large at first. They were smaller, but still pretty big. They also kept getting bigger. This brought feelings of being overwhelmed. It created a negative feedback loop. On an intellectual level I knew there were various solutions to the problem. The most obvious one, information decay.

For Twitter and Facebook information decays extremely fast. For a time I used to try to at least skim every thing that went by on each of these services. Over time my use case has changed and I now accept that I am going to skip a lot of what comes through. I have become OK with that. This was part of getting out of that negative feedback loop. It was only part of it because I had a lot of trouble letting information decay from some of the other sources. There I had to accept relevancy.

I have 224 feeds in my news reader. There is no direct translation between number of feeds and number of articles. Truth is, some feeds can pop out 20 articles in a day and some only deliver 1 on a good month. I had to stop reading things that were only of passing interest and focus on things of real interest. This is hard for me.

I have long been driven to know as much as I can. I internalized early in life that “knowledge is power.” Possibly it was from seeing it on a splash screen in Mortal Kombat. (Though apparently the correct quote was “There is no knowledge that is not power.”) For some reason it stuck, like “all your base are belong to us” stuck for some. Maybe it stuck due to the concept of “grok” from Heinlein’s “Stranger in a Strange Land” which I had read the first time some years earlier. In any event, this aspect of me made it hard to let go of certain articles that seemed interesting as ones I would never read. I did it though.

Eventually the number started to come down. The number of new feeds added per month has also finally dropped below 1. When the number finally crossed below 100 I started to think about speed-reading as a way to read more in the time I had. Sometime in the week or two following the Amazon free app of the day was a speed reading trainer so I figured, why not?

I’ve taken an initial test or two for baseline and started to work the “training” part of it. I’m not sure how well it will translate into actual reading of books and on-screen content though. I will likely post an update at some point in the future.

What I do know is that my number is down below 20. (It had been falling steadily before I started to look into speed reading, so that’s not a factor.) I also know that all of those are actually links to podcasts that I am slowly finding time to listen to, and not 1 is to an article for me to read.

TWB Ep 16 – (Insert Clever Subtitle)

Monday the kids didn’t get to visit a park on the way home. Instead they played outside after they got here. Chances are we’re in the last summer-like week of the year. If we’re lucky we’ll get another, but I wouldn’t bet on it. Gideon picked Handy Manny for our after dinner show.
Cecilia had me read her Olivia and then wanted Heather to read her The Sailor Dog.
Gideon wanted both of us to read him The Sailor Dog. Not sure what that was about…

Tuesday I got home pretty late due to a Costco stop, but the Heather and the kids were a little later due to stopping at a park. After baths Cecilia decided they should watch Handy Manny.
Cecilia continued her love of the Richard Scarry book. I read her polite elephant and she told me that Heather read to her from that book as well.
Gideon asked me for Duck on a bike and then had Heather read him Bobcat Bootcamp.

Wednesday was Cecilia’s second dance day. She is definitely liking it. Heather watched this week to get an idea what they are up to. When I asked what she did in dance class she told me she did “1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, smash the pancake.” Gideon picked Jake and the Neverland Pirates tonight.
Gideon has a new book from school. This is a “level 4” book telling the story of Star Wars episodes 1-3. He had Heather start it and I continued it. My guess is that it’ll take us another night or two to finish, and that he will have no other story until it’s done.
Cecilia had me read her the Pirate Fairy book. It came as part of a package from Target where we got the Pirate Fairy movie and book together. I’m not sure what Heather read her before that.

Thursday I messed up on getting dinner ready. I forgot to get the crockpot meal cooking. My backup was burgers/hot dogs fries and salad. This didn’t work so well as Heather and the kids had to come straight home for a little girl who had her first accident in a long time. Of course, she was mad at her mom so Dad had to help her which became Heather making dinner. Annoying, but such is life. When the evening of drama was done Cecilia started with Handy Manny, but agreed on Doc McStuffins when I told her there were no new Handy Mannys.
After the show we had Gideon practice his “Share and Tell” talk with us before stories. First the kids and I pretended to be his class while Heather showed him what to do, then he switched with Heather and presented to us. He did great and I look forward to hearing how it went for him. We continued the Star Wars book after that and it may well finish Friday.
Cecilia had me read her Ollie and ? camping adventure. I’m not sure what Heather read her as I was reading to Gideon at the time.

Friday was date night for Heather and I so I’m not sure what went down. I know they left the Huisinga’s at a time which suggests the didn’t watch a show there. I also know that Rio was in the van for the drive up and that we told Renee how to start it for them for the drive back. For any more details Renee would have to comment, filling in the blanks.

Saturday we went to two separate regional parks with massive play structures. We brought a bit of a picnic lunch so we would be able to pull it off. The kids had a blast but we did have to cut our stay a little short at the second one. The desired outcome of wearing them down was successful, maybe too successful. Gideon was so tired he fought going to church. He did pick Jake and the Neverland Pirates for a show though.
After the show Cecilia continued her current fascination with the Richard Scarry collection book for both Heather and I. The weird part was that she went and got Dr Suess from Gideon’s room first.
Gideon got to finish his Star Wars book. Even in his exhaustion he was pretty excited about that. It doesn’t go back and get replaced until Wednesday. It’ll be interesting to see what he chooses in the meantime.

Sunday is another day that we worked hard to use what is likely the last bit of summer we have coming to us this year. We hit an apple orchard for Honeycrisps followed by Taylor’s Falls. This was a good day that was almost ruined by me remembering a homemade ice cream parlor that wasn’t actually there on the way home. Luckily we made it to another option in a timely enough fashion. Our evening routine winded down with Cecilia and Gideon both picking Handy Manny for a show. (We started early and watched two so Heather could get ready for the week while I ran to get some stuff from the store.)
Cecilia continued her fascination with Richard Scarry.
Gideon started with asking Heather to read the Star Wars book again. Heather instead convinced him to get it in his backpack before so he wouldn’t forget when library day came. I’m not sure what she read him instead, but I read him two stories from his old story bible.

TWB Ep 15 – Another Car Repair

Monday night we dropped the van off at the dealer in Elk River. I know, it’s not close to home anymore. We trust them and they do good work though. We also got Sonic for the drive home.  When we got home Heather wasn’t feeling well but Cecilia really wanted to be with her, so the kids separated for show time. Gideon watched Handy Manny downstairs and Cecilia watched Jake and the Neverland Pirates upstairs.
With Heather practically asleep due to feeling sick the kids each got one story from me. Cecilia picked Pinkalicious Sleepover and Gideon picked the Grinch. I let them hear each others stories.

Tuesday after the Huisinga’s left Cecilia picked Jake and the Neverland Pirates.
It was a no story night though due to how late it got before the show was started.

Wednesday was a tough one this week. It was Cecilia’s first dance class day. I got Gideon home from the park later than planned, so dinner was delayed. That pushed the whole night back. After late showers Gideon picked Handy Manny.
They had to share reading again, Heather read them the Cars book from the schol library for Cecilia, and then Gideon wanted the same story again from me. Cecilia didn’t like this and went to her room mad, not getting a second story. She did get her pillow pet “fixed” though, so that made her happy. (I replaced it. Last time I fixed it because the broken wire was at the battery box. This time the break is inside the stuffed animal. I could rip the seams and fix the wiring, but repairing the seam after is beyond my abilities.)

Thursday I got home much later than expected. I only beat Heather and the kids by about 10 minutes, and they stopped at a park on the way. After our night, which was a little behind normal, Gideon picked Jake and the Neverland Pirates. I see now that it was actually Cecilia’s turn. I guess that’s not a big deal though as she did get done with her night routine late.
Cecilia had me read her the Weights and Measures book after heather read her something. Gideon had me start 500 Hats after Heather read him a different one, I think from the Suess book. He didn’t get to hear the whole thing though as after telling him three times to calm down and listen to the story I told him I was done and we would have to try again a different night. That of course led to an unhappy crying boy, but that does occasionally happen with young kids.

Friday I took the Huisinga’s kids home and didn’t see what the show pick was. It was Cecilia, so likely Jake or Doc McStuffins. They didn’t finish in time for any stories from Heather.

Saturday Heather wasn’t doing well. She spent most of the day resting. In the morning that meant the kids and I spent a couple hours at Elm Creek Park for instance. Anyhow, after two park trips and dinner watching America’s Got Talent – part of the first semi-final Gideon picked Handy Manny. (It is worth noting that When Mara started to sing Gideon said “I love this in my heart!”)
Gideon read some of the Tonka books with Heather, and Gideon did some of the reading! I didn’t get so lucky and read 500 Hats.
Cecilia was having trouble getting a story picked and kept just flipping through the Richard Scarry book pointing to pages that were little more than single or dual page collections of word/picture associations. The book has a few stories, but is mostly short other things. I’m not sure what she picked for Heather as I was trying to get through 500 Hats.

Sunday was a better day for Heather, though the kids didn’t move as quickly to get out of the house. Cecilia picked Handy Manny much to Gideon’s delight.
Cecilia had me read Old McDonald to her and Heather got to read Olivia, unless Cecilia changed her mind after I left the room.
Gideon had Scuppers the Sailor Dog ready for me. I’m not sure what Heather got to read him though.

TWB Ep 14 – “Back” to the Routine

Monday night was Grandma Reeds last night here. Cecilia picked Jake and the Neverland Pirates, a favorite around here lately.
Gideon fell asleep with Grandma reading 500 hats. Cecilia had Heather and Grandma read to her.

Tuesday the kids helped Heather bring Grandma Reed to the airport. They started Peter Pan on the way home and we let them finish it with no stories for the night after they got home.

Wednesday we had a fun time getting going in the morning. It will likely be a couple days to get into a rhythm. The kids were slow getting ready for bed, so I picked Chuggington for them.
Gideon borrowed a book from the school library. It was a learning to read book based on the first Cars movie. Heather read it to him, and then Cecilia.
I read Gideon the sleepover story from Cecilia’s new Pinkalicious book. Cecilia wanted Horton Hatches and Egg from Gideon’s blue Dr Seuss book.

Thursday Heather picked since the kids were dragging their feet a little. She picked Jake and the Neverland Pirates for Cecilia, which is what she wanted anyhow.
Cecilia had Heather read her some of the Tonka sound books. Then she had me read her the sleepover story from the Pinkalicious book.
Gideon started with the book from his school for me. Then Hetaher read him, I think, a Berenstain Bears Easter story?

Friday the kids played by themselves most of the night, not with each other. Gideon wanted Jake and the Neverland Pirates.
Story-time was a little different. Heather and I were late getting up to their rooms after the show, but they were up there in near record time. By the time Heather got up there I think they had started fighting about something and made a bit of a mess in her room. By the time I got up there Heather had gotten it into cleanup and split mode, I think. It seems Gideon was trying to borrow a book Cecilia didn’t want him to borrow until after her first story. Anyhow, after we finally got past that Gideon wasn’t picking his story, or listening about getting into bed for a story. He threw a fit and lost his story with me and that upset him so badly he couldn’t stop crying to get a story from Heather. It took around 30-45 minutes for him to calm down and get tired enough to have a little talking and prayer time before bed.
Cecilia was fine after the kids got separated. She had Heather read her a story from Pinkalicious and me read her the City Mouse and Country Mouse from the Richard Scarry collection.

Saturday Cecilia picked Doc McStuffins after they got to spend a chunk of the day playing with some new kids. Our kitchen was a mess as we got the fridge and dishwasher swapped, both with their own quirks in execution.
Cecilia had Heather read from her pickalicious book and I read her nothing because she would not pick. She had more than three chances to pick a book from her room but wouldn’t, so instead she cried a lot about no getting a story from Dad.
Gideon did much better. He got to hear Duck on a Bike from me and a story from Heather as well.

Sunday after spending all day at Grandma and Grandpas so Heather and I could help with some work there the kids got have a dinner of frozen yogurt followed by baths and Gideon picking Jake and the Neverland Pirates.
Cecilia wasn’t quick to pick a story for me, but eventually asked Gideon if she could borrow the Cars book he has from the school library. She then got to hear two from Pinkalicious from Heather. This was Heather’s ploy to keep her from insisting on the Blue Suess book. See, Gideon wanted 500 Hats and Heather convinced him to split it between her and I.

TWB Ep 13 – Birthday week.

Monday was Cecilia’s birthday party day. Thankfully one of her friends from school was able to make it. Most of them were out of town. At the end of the day Gideon choose Chuggington.
Gideon had grandpa read him a story from his story bible and then I got to read him 500 hats! Ok, I wasn’t that excited, but we did read it.
Cecilia had grandma, and maybe Heather, read her the new stories she got for her birthday; Oliver & Hope’s Adventure Under The Stars and Oliver & Hope’s Amusing Adventure.

Tuesday was the day we went to dinner for Grandma’s birthday. We went to Osaka and the kids loved it just as much as before. We went for a short family walk after and before we drove home. Cecilia choose to watch Jake and the Neverland Pirates.
We went with a single story for each of them due to how late it was getting. I don’t remember what they picked though.

Wednesday was Gideon’s first day of school and drop Grandpa at the airport day. We didn’t bring the movies with us, so when we got home Gideon picked Jake and the Neverland Pirates.
Gideon had Heather read him one of Cecilia’s new Oliver & Hope stories, I think. I read him Baby Dear from the little golden book collection.
I’m not sure who read Cecilia her first story, or what it was. I read her Baby Dear though.

Thursday was Cecilia’s actual birthday. She picked Jake and the Neverland Pirates.
The kids had Heather and Grandma do all of their stories, so I’m not entirely certain what they had read to them.

Friday Heather and I were treated to a night away. You’d have to check in with Grandma Reed to find out how their night went.

Saturday the kids both started in their new rooms for kids ministry at church. Cecilia picked Jake and the Neverland Pirates.
Gideon had me read the Oliver and Hope Amusing Adventure story. I think he had something from Cecilia’s new Pinkalicious stories book from Grandma after that.
Cecilia had Heather and Grandma read to her. I think it was probably Pinkalicious and Oliver and Hope, but I’m not sure.

Sunday we had the kids outside most of the day. Days like this are going to be few and far between from here until Spring. When we got home and finished our bedtime routine it was time to watch Jake and the Neverland Pirates courtesy of Gideon.
Cecilia continued her time with Grandma and Heather and I continued not getting the low-down on what stories they are reading her.
Gideon had me read to him from the Pinkalicious book after Heather red him a story.

TWB Ep 12 – Grandparents Here There and Everywhere

Monday night Gideon chose Chuggington at first. I told him we didn’t have any new ones with the Chug Patrol (true) and suggested something else, so we ended up watching Jake and the Neverland Pirates.
I read stories to the kids, but told them they had to be short ones because my throat hurt. Truth be told I was home sick and had a rough day. I don’t remember what I read them, or Heather read them. I think I read Cecilia some of the Tonka sounds books, and Heather also read them to her. Gideon picked something from the big Golden book for me to read, but I’m not sure what Heather read him.

Tuesday was a Huisinga day. We got back here around 7:45 and they started Cecilia’s pick of Little Einsteins about 10 minutes later. It was one with no “wait.” No stories because it was so late and I am still barely recovered.

Wednesday Grandpa Nelson got to hang out with the kids for a bit while Heather and I went to parent night for Kindergarten. Heather appears to be coming down with whatever I had, so she let the kids watch a second show instead of getting stories while I brought Brad home and ran an errand on the way home. Of course, Cecilia was still up when I got home.

Thursday Gideon got to visit his new Kindergarten school. He seems to be getting more nervous about the whole thing as it gets closer, understandably. Cecilia got to hang out with Grandma Nelson while we took Gideon so it could be Gideon’s own special time. After we got home we watched America’s Got Talent a little while we had some pizza with Grandma. Then a Cecilia who came down with a fever picked Jake and the Neverland Pirates for a show.
Gideon heard Caps for sale from Heather and Duck on a Bike from me. Cecilia got the Giraffes Can’t Dance from Gideon’s room instead of the one from hers for Heather and then I read her three of the Tonka letter sound books.

Friday night Gideon choose to watch Chuggington. Of course we had a moment of sadness due to there not being any with Chug Patrol. (Season 4).
Gideon asked me to read Llama Llama Red Pajama. I’m not sure what he had Grandpa read him. Cecilia got a story from Heather and Grandma, but other than knowing she had the Tonka letter sounds at some point I’m not sure what she had.

Saturday was our second fair day this year. This is the second year that Heather’s parents have joined us for it and I think they enjoyed it. It was a little more stressful this year than last I think, but we did alright when all is said and done. We watched part of Sid the Science Kid in the car and finished it at home right before bed. No stories or other shows or “waits” tonight. It was late.

Sunday we weren’t sure Cecilia would be joining us. She had a rough dinner time and cried herself to an exhausted sleep at 5:30. She did end up waking up a little over an hour later to eat and pick Doc McStuffins.
Stories were short today, only one because it was so late. Cecilia had Grandpa read something to her and Gideon had me and Grandpa split reading the story of the serpent from his story bible.

TWB Ep 11 – State Fair

Monday was a Huisinga day. They came down here and the kids got to play together. They actually all ate pretty well, and they cleaned up well right before going. It was still a little bit of a late night with Cecilia picking Doc McStuffins which started around 7:45.
Gideon wanted a couple of stories from his storybook bible. We read the Genesis story and then one about Rachel and Leah. Cecilia decided to watch a “wait” instead of get a story.

Tuesday Gideon picked Chuggington. The kids got books of some kind. This is being written Sunday morning so I’m not sure what. I’m also not sure what prevented me from writing these throughout the week. I’m going to focus on that daily writing again over the next month. Obviously I stopped paying attention before it became a habit.

Wednesday was Cecilia picking Doc McStuffins. I know the shows only because the kids have been on a kick and not changing them. The books have been on a bit of a pattern as well. I’ve read Gertrude McFuzz a decent amount lately. They both want at least one from the Dr. Seuss collection book every night.

Thursday was no show. It was family night at Gideon’s daycare. Their school age program has a family night at the end to kind of showcase what the kids did all summer. As part of this one of the teachers read a story to the parents. It was called “Roxaboxen.” Amazon shows a publish date of 2004. The teachers found the book a few years back. They have been doing the related part of their program in the neighborhood of a dozen years. The related part of their program is called Nature City and the kids were excited to showcase it to us. We did still do stories after we got home.

Friday was a state fair day. We do our best to go twice a year. Once is a weekday with the Huisinga family. That was this one. The other time will usually be a weekend day to save on time off, and occasionally Heather’s parents are able to join. It was also date nnght for Heather and I, so Renee brought the kids home and they watched a show she picked. I don’t think they did stories.

Saturday we watched Chuggington as Gideon’s pick. We spent the day mostly at home. Heather did a lot of shopping as we are going to try some cook-ahead meals this month and see what happens.
I read Cecilia mulberry Street and Gideon The Grinch. Heather read Gideon something from the Seuss book but I didn’t quite hear what. She read Cecilia some of the Tonka word sound books.

Sunday the kid shad a long “rest time” filled with no resting as Heather attempted a make-ahead meal plan. I’m a little under the weather and didn’t help as much as I may otherwise have. Cecilia picked Doc McStuffins after the kids took too long getting ready for us to watch some America’s Got Talent.
I read Gideon Robots and Cecilia some of the Tonka sounds books. I had told them they needed to pick short stories because my throat was hurting.
I think Heather read Gertrude McFuzz to Cecilia, and she started 500 Hats for Gideon. I’m not sure what happened in the long run for Gideon though. It didn’t sound like they finished that book.

TWB Ep10 – Prepping for Fall

Monday was dinner with the Huisinga family. We left a little after 7. I was trying for 7. I told them we could do either a show or stories, but only if we finished our charts. They both did a fairly good job of getting their charts done and decided to finish the Winnie the Pooh movie they had been watching while we drove to Elk River and back.

Tuesday was technically Cecilia’s turn to pick since Monday didn’t really count. However she didn’t get her nighttime routine done in time, so Gideon picked Chuggington.
I read Gideon 500 hats while Heather read him The Little Penguin.
Cecilia asked Heather for The Pirate Fairy and after I almost walked out for lack of her choosing she finally asked for Mulberry Street.

Wednesday, what did we do Wednesday. We got home later than hoped for. Gideon’s class had a short play for parents which e followed up with taking him to lunch. As a result we both worked a little late, and then due to traffic and talking with teachers everyone wasn’t home until around 6. We watched Doc McStuffins per Cecilia, I think.
We have managed to get them to continue staying in their separate rooms for stories. That said, I’m not sure what the stories were. (It’s now Saturday morning.)

Thursday was a special family day in the evening. I got out of work on time instead of early so I didn’t get the kids to her work until the event was underway. It was an open house, so not too big a deal. The kids got to see some of the devices and Heather’s desk. I think they were more excited about the bouncy castle and kid focused midway style games though. We barely got to the food part in time and left there at almost 7. Upon getting home Gideon picked Chuggington for a show.
Short stories were the name of the game. I read Gideon a couple of the Tonka word sound books. I believe Heather did as well.
Cecilia got a story from the Richard Scarry collection from me. I think the same was true for Heather.

Friday we watched the Huisinga kids so they could have a date night. After dinner we loaded them all up and went to a park about 10 minutes away, and on the way back towards Elk River. This was a good idea. The house stayed picked up and the kids got to burn off more energy then they could have at our place.
When we do this I bring the Huisinga kids home partially because their uncle lives there and is likely to be around and partially because I’m the night person and less bothered by driving around at 10PM. I heard that the kids watched a show, but not what it was. I did hear Gideon picked it. They must have had stories as well because they got to bed a little later than expected. Of course, we were at the park until a little later than expected as well.
Saturday was a longish day. The morning was a struggle and dinner was tough. Cecilia picked Doc McStuffins.
Gideon wanted me to read The Grinch and fell asleep while Heather read Mulberry street.
Cecilia had Heather read some of the Tonka sound books. She wanted to get one of the Seuss stories so badly we waited for Gideon to be done and then read Gertrude McFuzz.
Sunday we had a fun day. Haircuts, grandma & grandpa Nelson, Chuck E Cheese for games & Papa Murphy for dinner. We watched a little America’s Got Talent as a family and then Gideon picked Chuggington.
Cecilia wanted Heather to read Olivia, which she then got to read to Gideon. I read Gideon Monkey Truck since it needed to go back to the library soon and then read Cecilia Gertrude McFuzz again.

TWB Ep9 – Dialing Back the Schedule

Cecilia - Lions Park Drinking FountainMonday started the last week of T-ball. It was scheduled to be done last week but due to weather it was extended. Cecilia had a tough time with Gideon not getting a snack. In her world Gideon and his teammates get a snack after T-Ball. It not happening got her quite upset and things went downhill from there. She lost her show and her story from Heather. Gideon watched Octonauts.
For stories Gideon had Heather read The Grinch and then fell asleep while I was reading him The Lorax.
As part of calming Cecilia I told her I could still read to her if we could get ready for bed. A warm washcloth infused with Lavender helped her calm down and feel better. We read four of the Tonka themed letter sound books this time.

Tuesday Cecilia picked Jake and the Neverland Pirates since we haven’t had a new Sheriff Callie in awhile.
They both shared stories, from me this time. Heather was watching Twirl so I told them I would read to them. Cecilia picked a couple of the Tonka word sound books she’s been into lately. Gideon picked 500 hats.
Mom ended getting to read Walter the Baker to Gideon and something about Feeding Hilda the Elephant from her Golden book compilation.

Wednesday Gideon picked Octonauts again. This was after the last day of T-ball. We brought treas and things went much more smoothly this time. Cecilia was still not to good at getting in the car and buckled, that seems to be her thing lately.
For story time they shared stories from Heather again. When she was done I read them Walter the Baker.

Thursday Cecilia picked Doc McStuffins. Kind of. She was running behind getting down from bath time and almost missed the beginning.
Gideon asked Heather to read 500 Hats today. And he didn’t even ask for it a second time! Cecilia kind of listened to that story, and then asked me to read Whisper In My Ear, or something like that, from the big Golden book. Gideon asked for Santa Duck. They listened to them together.

Friday Gideon picked Jake and the Neverland Pirates.
For story time I read them Horton Hatches an Egg followed by Cecilia picking Gertrude McFuzz.
When Heather got home the kids were still up and she read Gideon two of the Tonka letter sound books and Cecilia was up playing and waiting to get Llama Llama Mad at Momma after Ho Ho Tucker.

Saturday the kids did a pretty good job helping to clean the house in the morning. After church Cecilia wanted Doc McStuffins. We only had two short ones instead of the usual single double feature, but that was OK.
Cecilia tried to come into Gideon’s room and started going through his stuff, threatening to undo the cleaning we worked so hard on. It caused problems, but I kicked her out. She eventually settled down and had Heather read Mulberry street followed by me reading her Horton Hatched an Egg.
Gideon had me read Yertle the Turtle followed by Heather reading him Mulberry Street.

Sunday the kids each got some time with just one parent. Heather took Gideon to the Children’s Museum while Cecilia and I went to a new to us park, Lion’s park in Coon Rapids. The kids got to choose their activity, and then after individual lunches we met up at Coon Rapids Showplace to see the new Planes movie. It wasn’t available anywhere in the area in 3D still, so it was the regular rendition. After some family America’s got talent time (We’re still watching Judgement week. Yep, that far behind.) Gideon picked Chuggington for a change of pace.
Story time saw Heather reading Pirate Fairy to both kids while I read Gideon Grinch Stole Christmas and Cecilia Horton Hatches an Egg.

TWB Ep8 – Airventure

I didn’t manage to keep up this week, so I’m doing my best on Thursday to fill in the gaps.

Monday was another T-ball day. We pushed the kids to get out fast enough to play before the game, but that didn’t work so well. They got 5 minutes. When they got home I think Gideon picked Sheriff Callie.
The kids continued their story sharing pattern with short stories from the Richard Scarry book.

Tuesday. Here it is, Friday night. I think Cecilia picked Sheriff Callie, but that might just be because they’ve watched it so much lately. Reading? I know we had stories, but don’t know what they were. At least one wasn’t the Richard Scarry book though.

Wednesday I’m not really sure what happened. I went to get the pop-up we rented as soon as we got back from T-ball. All three other people were asleep when I got back after a stop at the store for last-minute supplies. I do believe they were watching Sheriff Callie as I left.

Thursday was a driving day. On the drive (5 hours) Gideon picked Robots and Cecilia picked Rio. Gideon fell asleep for an hour or so after we picked up dinner. Due to leaving time and stops families with preschoolers must make (and gas guzzlers, towing really kills the mileage) we got to the campground around 9. The kids were happy to “help” get the camper set up. Around 10 we were trying to get them to calm down and sleep. Around 11:15 or so I went to make sure I had the wi-fi password and the kids were still fighting to be awake. When I got back they were out. No stories. I tried at one point to just tell one to Cecilia, but she got mad and said I needed one with pages and that it was too dark.

Friday we met up with Heathers cousin at Airventure. This was not planned. In fact the accidental hookup was about 30 seconds from not happening at all. It was great to hang out with him and hear about what he’s been up to the last few years. Gideon loved hearing all about the different airplanes from him. (He’s an actual aircraft mechanic and knows much more about them than I do.) I think Cecilia did too, but then she decided to spend most of the morning in lines. Seriously. This almost four year old spent over an hour in a line to see a C-17 flight deck. Poor Heather didn’t get to see much outside of that line in the morning. In any event, we returned to the campsite around the time the Thuderbirds started their practice. After a wonderful spaghetti dinner we watched Epic as a family, Heathers choice. No stories – but they did go through their books while dinner was being prepped. (And a small rain shower passed through.) To avoid the mess of the previous night as soon as they were both in a bed spot and relatively quiet I went for a short walk. Everyone was asleep by the time I got back. (All 3.)

Saturday was the big day. I made the executive decision to pony up the cost of the EAA Aviators Club for the day back during initial planning. Sitting here Sunday night I can safely say that it is essentially buying a first class lounge pass for the day and ended up being worth it this time. Tasty catered breakfast, lunch and dinner (dinner on night airshow days only) along with a fenced in outdoor seating area on the flight line and a nice indoor air conditioned room with free club only wi-fi. Oh yeah, free ice cream, drinks, sodas, and bottled water all day and various swag throughout as well. The free bag we got was a nice one too, none of this state fair reusable 10 times stuff there. I digress though, this is supposed to be specifically about bedtime. I know we would’ve made it work without, but having the pass to that place made the airshows so much nicer to deal with. It was Cecilia’s turn to fall asleep during fireworks as she fell asleep during the night airshow. (She would’ve loved the helicopter.) She did wake up before it ended. No show or stories, just the night airshow and drive back. Gideon asked me when I would take my walk as they were settling into their sleeping bags. So I took a walk and they were all asleep a few minutes later when I got back.

Sunday we got home around 5. We let the kids watch movies pretty much the whole drive back. Cecilia took a nap but we were all still pretty beat by the time we got here. Except then the kids played in the driveway 30 minutes while we unpacked. Cecilia picked Sheriff Callie. We haven’t gotten new ones lately so they’ll probably switch shows soon.
They shared stories out of Richard Scarry for Heather and then I read a couple letter sound books with a construction vehicle theme and Gideon picked The Boy and The Tigers for another shared time.