Another Week Flies By

Well it’s hard to believe but it has been another week already since I last wrote.  Some days time seems to go so slowly especially when little toddlers don’t want to listen and other times it just flies on by.

I don’t have a lot of time but will share a few moments from the week that have made me smile:

– Today before getting out of the car the kids had to hug each other just because.

– Just a prime example of the two very different personalities of our kids.  Both were faced with the same problem earlier today.  The balloon they were playing with ended up out of reach in their cousins pack-n-play.  Cecilia’s response – Climb up the stairs reach through the railing and start trying to get the balloon herself. (Note: I stepped in so she didn’t fall down the stairs so don’t know if she would have figured it out eventually or not.)  Gideon’s response – Ask his cousin to help him reach it.

– Playing in the “castle” (under the dining room table) with my two little kids for a little while.  I had to call it quits when my neck started hurting.  Adults just don’t fit as easily as little toddlers.

– Gideon having talked about wanting to be spiderman for Halloween for at least a week once in the aisle of costumes decides on something else.  Go figure.

I’m constantly amazed at how quickly they are growing up.  Cecilia is starting to use full phrases.  I can’t remember what the one was yesterday that made us really go that was good right now but I do remember it happening.  And Gideon continues to amaze me with his logic.  Several times this week he has strung several ideas together in a logical order.  Unfortunately I can’t think of a good example at the moment.  If I come up with one I’ll have to add another post but hey I never claimed to be a night/evening person and my brain has started to shut down for the night.

So until next time.

And Time Flies By

Well as you can tell by the fact that it has been two weeks since my last post my hopes for    blogging regularly is definitely not going to be a daily thing at this point in time.  Hard to believe it has been two weeks but then it has been a busy few.

I had a couple of days in there where I wasn’t feeling good in fact was home from work two days.  Although in line with my theme of trying to find the good I looked at it as God’s way of telling me I needed some down time.  Now if I could figure out how to slow down without getting sick that would probably be better.

So I guess I’ll share a few of the things that have made me smile recently.  A good reminder for myself as well.

Gideon yesterday: “Is that truck peeing?”  There was a truck spraying water on dirt to keep it from getting too dusty.

Both kids “That’s funny” and then they start giggling.

The things kids remember.  From our trip to the Twin Cities Corn Maze in Champlin which includes a corn pit, hay ride, and petting zoo: “The cow pooped.” Because yes the cow pooped right in front of us.

Cecilia saying she needs to go potty then going and sitting down still fully clothed.  Yes for some reason she thought she could go with her clothes still on.

Well until next time hopefully one of those will help you smile too.

Focus on the Good

I’ve been wanting to start blogging again for a while but finding the time has been hard.  I want to blog for a few reasons.

1. I’d like to have an easy way for some people who don’t get to talk to us very often to be able to get glimpses into our crazy little family life.

2. I want a place to capture and look back on some of the little things that happen at any given time that make me smile.

3. I’d like to make a conscious effort to focus on the good and the many things I have to be thankful for.  So often it is easy for me to get caught up in all that is left to do or the tough things that I forget how good things really are.

So with that in mind I invite you to join in my little journey to look for the good in this little journey of life.

So today’s 3 things for which I’m thankful.

1. Last minute family outings like our trip to Elm Creek Park Preserve playground today.  Gideon had an absolute blast the fun and unique playground that one mom there commented was like something out of Dr. Suess’s mind.  Cecilia also enjoyed it but was a little small for many of the things.

2. Chances to eat outside in the beautiful early fall weather.

3. Two little kids who more often than not show just how simple yet wonderful life can be.

Now back to daily life and off to get the kids a bath before a new week starts.