Monday Cecilia picked Jake & the Neverland Pirates.
Cecilia started with “Bobcat Bootcamp” and ended with Dad reading “Duck on a Bike.”
Gideon had Dad read 500 Hats and finished with Mom making it all the way through “How the Grinch Stole Christmas.”
Tuesday Gideon picked Jake & the Neverland Pirates.
Cecilia had Dad read “The Bunny Book” and got to hear Gideons choice of 500 hats.
Wednesday Cecilia picked Jake & the Neverland Pirates.
Cecilia got both “Whisper in My Ear” and “What do Animals Do?” from Mom while Dad read her “The Fox and the Crow.”
Gideon wanted Dad to read 500 hats and Mom got to read “Bearenstain Bears Go Out for the Team.”
Thursday Gideon picked Jake & the Neverland Pirates.
The kids decided to do their “art projects” instead of getting a story, so no stories this night.
Friday Cecilia pickled Jake & the Neverland Pirates.
Cecilia had both Mom and Dad read the Golden Books “Words”.
Gideon was told by Dad he had to pick a short one because it was later than planned. Dad read “Gertrude McFuzz” while Mom read “The Grinch Stole Christmas.”
Saturday we made a long trip to get dinner after church and got home a little later than normal. Gideon picked Jake & the Neverland Pirates.
Cecilia didn’t get a story from Dad. Mom read “Pip Goes to London” and “Chipmunk’ s Birthday Party”.
Gideon didn’t get a story from Dad. Mom read “Chipmunk’s Birthday Party”.
Sunday we got home late after taking an extra park break. Cecilia picked Jake & the Neverland Pirates.
Cecilia had a “The Bunny Book” from Mom. She had Dad read her “There’s No Place Like Space.”
Gideon let Dad choose because it was very late. Dad picked “There’s No Place Like Space.” Mom read him “Clifford in the Circus”.
Sorry I didn’t get the weekend readings recorded very well. Heather might edit her entries for the weekend. I’m pretty sure Saturday ended up being a no story day but could just be remembering wrong. (It has been updated by Heather)