TWB 22 – Do you want my ears to get cold?

Monday I visited Gideon’s school for his classes “morning meeting.” This made Gideon pretty happy and was an interesting little look into their class. We spent a tiny amount of time at the park after getting Gideon while the last light faded after school. Gideon picked Sheriff Callie to watch after Heather headed out to MOPS.
Since it was just me the kids had to share stories. Gideon picked his new library book, Otis and the Puppy, while Cecilia wanted the Tonka Phonics books again. I let her pick 4.

Tuesday Gideon did his homework really fast, and accurate. Cecilia wanted to do her homework as well. Of course it had to include cutting just as Gideon’s did. Luckily we decided to make a copy of Gideon’s before he started, so Cecilia could do the same thing. Their show was Jake and the Neverland Pirates picked by non other than Cecilia. They both missed the very beginning because they were playing upstairs instead of getting ready though.
Tonight was a dual read night for Cecilia. We each read her Palace Pets Cuddly Princess Pals. (She mentioned wanting the other palace pets books shown in the back if you need gift ideas.)
Gideon had Heather read his new library book since she missed out the night before. I read the Mega Machines book because he “wasn’t paying attention last time.”

Wednesday Heather had a work function that ran into the early evening so I got to pick the kids up and make dinner. (We usually split those tasks out.) I was running late due to traffic after stopping at the store and we didn’t eat until 6:30 or so. Gideon picked How It’s Made, and stuck with the choice this time. We didn’t make Cecilia watch this choice due to her age. She got to watch Dora upstairs. The shows ran a little long due to issues with getting connected to the cable box.
Cecilia had Heather read her Gideon’s latest book from school and then I ended up getting to read the Critters Easter book.
Gideon also had Heather read his school book. Usually a new school book is read by both of us, but this time I ended up reading the Weights and Measures book from Cecilia’s room. I also got a “you’re silly daddy” from Cecilia for forgetting to bring it back to her room after Gideon was done. In my defense it used to be in Gideon’s room.

Thursday we had small group. With the new colder weather that meant we hurried out to have enough time for a stop at Shoreview Community center for the indoor playground. We decided not to renew the YMCA membership this winter and instead go with this place. We’ll see how that pans out over the next few months. After group we don’t get home until sometime shortly after 8 which means no show on group nights.
Gideon had me read him Otis and the Puppy again while Heather fought with Cecilia to get her to pick a story. Cecilia was really, really tired. Eventually a story was read and Cecilia was calm.

Friday the Husinga kids spent dinner, playtime, and a show here while their parents went on a date. The show was Jake and the Neverland pirates, but I’m not sure who picked it. In theory it was Cecilia’s turn, but we like to give guests the option of a show in cases like this. It was already underway by the time I got down to see.
The kids did get stories from Heather, but I wasn’t home from watching the others until after 10. Gideon told me he got Otis and the Puppy while Cecilia told me she got her Princess Pals book again.

Saturday winter gear got updated where necessary. After church Cecilia wanted Dora, which got Gideon upset. Turns out she’d seen them all, so we went for Sophia the First instead.
Heather got to read the Foot Book to both kids while I read Otis and the Puppy two times.

Sunday we finally finished America’s Got Talent. While I’m sure we are the last people who care finding out I’ll refrain from a straight-up spoiler. Suffice to say that the act the kids wanted to win did. Heather and I were also happy about what kind of act didn’t win. (That’s kind of a spoiler, but I digress.) Now we just have 6 episodes of The Amazing Race to catch up on… Gideon picked Mickey Mouse Clubhouse for a bedtime show.
Cecilia had Heather read What Makes You Giggle while I read the Palace Pets. Again.
Gideon had me read him There’s No Place Like Space and I missed what Heather read him.